The Impact of Generations

The best bright shining hope in electoral politics, long term, is that millennial (born 1981-1996) and Gen Z (born 1997-2012) voters, currently the biggest voting block, are disenchanted with, and continue to refuse to elect, members of the Republican party.

I disagree vehemently with the Republicans quoted in an article I read recently, who claim that messaging is the problem, not policies.

The vast majority of these voters:
* Support women’s right to contraception and abortion.
* Oppose discrimination toward, and legislation against ethnic/racial minorities, women, and LGBTQIA+ citizens.
* Want significant action on climate change.
* Are very upset about gun violence and support reasonable gun control legislation.
* Tend not to be party loyalists; they vote their conscience, not their party.

This puts most of them squarely in the liberal/progressive camp, even if not in the Democratic party.
In the 2022 election, 77% of Gen Z voters voted for a Democratic congressperson, versus 21% who voted for a Republican congressperson. A 77/21 split is pretty dramatic. I don’t know the numbers for millenials, probably not quite as extreme a split, but in the same direction.
However, the Republicans, with their evil and corrupt ways, their jerrymandering, their packing the courts with partisan and unqualified judges, their willingness to stoop to ridicule and insults, their support of and manipulation of the electoral college, and their no-holds-barred pursuit of power for the wealthy, have accomplished a lot and continue to do so. At heart, though, they are fueled by their fear of losing power.

I predict the Republicans will NOT change their policies. Yes, Donald Trump will probably win the primary nomination, despite his obvious criminality. But, more and more, I am starting to hope that in 2024, the GOP will lose the presidency and their majority in the house. If things go really well, the Democrats might not only regain the house, but significantly increase their percentage. Dare I wish for 60/40? Seems like a long shot, and I don’t know how many incumbents will run for re-election. Incumbents generally have a big advantage.